Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tobacco Hornworm

I did not take this photo. I am currently without a camera. I did, however, get it from a very helpful site: http://doorgarden.com/07/tobacco-horn-worm
Since I am without a camera, I am just going to talk about these guys. I have one now in a cigar box with some of the less healthy leaves from my tomato plant. I found TWO of these guys tonight. I yelled and screamed at them, but they pretty much ignored me. One I put in the road and later visit. I think these guys are weird. Here are the reasons why:
1. Apparently, there are parasitic wasps that like to make tobacco hornworms the place to lay their eggs.
2. Their poop looks ridiculous. (check the website for photo) I didn't even know they did that!
3. They have to burrow into the ground in order to become a moth. Which brings me to my last point:
4. The moth they become is often mistaken for a humming bird. 

Monday, June 21, 2010


Say "hello" to the only surviving cotton plant of the three that I planted this year. I had intended to make something from the cotton produced from the plants, but I'm not sure how much one little guy can give me. We'll just have to see, right? Of the three seeds planted, this guy was in the middle. One seed didn't grow and the other grew very fast. I thought maybe it would be ok to plant the cotton plants in the garden with the rest of the plants, but the very next day I went to water and the large cotton plant had been murdered. There is a photo of all that was left of the poor guy. So, I took this cotton inside. He sits next to the window in my room. I think he's doing fine. 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tomato Eater

So, I have this little friend. He is about the size of one of my fingers, and he ate a good chunk of the buds off of my tomato plants. My husband tried to kill him, but I got really upset and we settled on putting him in out neighbors yard. He was cute, but way too destructive to let him stay in the garden. On the bright side: I have baby three tomatoes!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cigar Box Garden

I've become a hoarder of cigar boxes. But recently the thought occurred to me that they are just taking of valuable space. So, I came up with this idea. So far only one type of box seems to work well for herb growing. I think next I'll try my hand at cigar box guitars!